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It's alive!

Autorenbild: Developer / FloDeveloper / Flo

Aktualisiert: 7. Apr. 2019

Machina Obscura is back in development. Finally.


This is going to be a rather long post, so sit back and enjoy.

tl/dr: Just explore the website to get to know the Machina Obscura project.

The boilers have been cold for a long time, but the coal has never dimmed down. Now the water is steaming again, and Machina Obscura - The Steampunk RPG is back on track!

Since its inception many years back, Machina Obscura has been a one-man project, but one from deep within the heart. It has been contrived, upgraded, revisited, dropped and reborn.


Watch the Announcement Trailer for Machina Obscura - A Steampunk Action RPG!


I was happy to find awesomely talented artists to illustrate my vision for the game, most of all Tomasz Belzowski with his air ship designs and Magdalena Rudzinska and her character designs. Papafiot Music composed a theme music for the game. Listen to it here:

So far, Machina Obscura has grown into an RPG with a unique planet and history to explore, a modular gaming system for characters, ships and almost anything else, awesome artwork and unique rules to play.


My wish now is to finally finish the first playable version of the game so that all of you can have an adventure in the wondrous world of Machina Obscura! And, hopefully, grow a community and in turn grow the game even further in its splendor.

For this, I will need your help. Ultimately, I want to start a kickstarter campaign to get the game printed and delivered to you, but until that day, there are many milestones I want and need to conquer. Hopefully with you by my side when I am stuck and need some outside input.


You are welcome to join the Machina Obscura player community to meet other players, give feedback on the game and keep informed about the project.

You can also already support the project on PATREON.

A Kickstarter campaign ist planned for the future, as soon as the beta version of the Core game is finished.


Like I said, there are still some milestones to finish. These milestones include the following and more:

Assembling a professional Team.

This might be one of the most important things. To really get things going, I need artists, co-developer, project manager, in short a professional team. If at any point in the development you decide you want to work for the project, get in touch with me and we talk professionally!


While imagining the game and its world, I have come up with a lot of cool ideas for how to play the game. These preliminary ideas need to be tested, evaluated, changed and integrated into the complete rule set. I am good with HOW, but I have some difficulties regarding mathematics (which lies at the core of many rules).


Once the basic rules are set, we need to test the system in every way and direction, to root out errors and miscalculations. But most importantly, is the game fun to play this way?

Sorting and re-writing.

This is something I am doing right now. In all this time, a lot of notes and ideas on all areas have been collected. Sometimes digitally, sometimes on paper. These need to be sorted, evaluated and put into writing. A Mammoth project, but I am getting there one step at a time.

Corebooks and Action Cards.

Everything regarding Machina Obscura can later be found in the corebooks and action cards. Of course, all rules and information on the game has to be written down in a document that you can decipher and follow.


- Character Creation: As a means to "climb along" to put the rules together in one rule set. It all comes down to the characters, right?

- Sorting and re-writing

- updating this website


First of all, I want to thank you humbly for your offer for support. While I don't expect you to help me, I am certainly most grateful that you are willing to help me get this project on its feet again. please send me a mail via the contact form.


Thank you so much for your visit on this website and your interest in the project. I hope I am able to meet you personally in the player community soon!

Yours forever,




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