The modular gaming system gives you total freedom in everything you do.
With the personal back story, no class restrictions (or classes, for that matter), unconfined skill pools and the moral decisions made throughout the game, the player is free to create a steampunk character of his liking.
No character history is the same, due to the various available quests and the free character creation. Every decision the player makes throughout the game has a direct influence on game play - depending on the character’s reputation in the world, or the skills of the character, different quest routes open up, others close down.
The reputation of the character directly affects the reaction of the NPCs in the world. Players can share their quests with other players if they so choose. This way, closed questlines may open up again.

In this game, there exists no level-system in the usual sense. Experience-Points, that are collected during the game, can be spend immediately for improvements on skills or stats, for a certain price. Each skill pool is accessible for every character, there are no class restrictions.
User Interface with character stats.
Not representative of final game graphics.

Machina Obscura has a great potential for teamplay. The players can tackle quests or fight each other on the tabletop maps. You can hire NPC’s and command them during battle. Vehicles can be operated together, one player can drive the vehicle, while the others control the mounted weapons.
Each character brings his own strong points (but also weaknesses) to the team. A character that specializes on archaeology may be able to find hidden ruins of the Ancients, but this character needs a team to safely explore the ruins.
In Machina Obscura, the players can own their own flying ship and travel, transport, fight and capture other ships with it.

At the harbor master’s office, the player can change the appearance of his ship (without changing the values). He can choose a different paintwork, change the look of the bow, choose a different ship’s bridge and so on. This guarantees a multitude of individually designed ships of the same class.

An experienced crew can be recruted that enhances the ship’s performance. Furthermore, the ship earns it’s own experience points in battle and can be enhanced with them just like the character. The ship has to be in a shipyard for that, though, and it can cost a hefty sum of money.
There are several basic ship classes available for each nation, that can be equipped as desired. The player can equip the ship with a stronger engine, install larger guns or make the ship more manoeuvrable.
Items and equipment can be stored on board of the ship, depending on the available storage place.